Bloom Waterbirth & Wellness Center is staffed by experienced midwives and other health care professionals who provide comprehensive midwifery and wellness services, educational resources, and community events to support the families we serve.

Heidi Marshall, LM


I graduated from Colorado State University in 1994 with my Bachelors of Science in Natural Resource Management/Botany. I had been working for the BLM and Environmental Protection Agency doing botanical work on endangered species when I found myself working near Point Arena, CA. If you’ve ever been to Point Arena you would understand how the beauty and magnetic pull of the area literally changed the direction of my life. I never went back to Colorado, except to gather my belongings, and Point Arena became my home. This is where I learned about community and this is where the root of my calling to serve moms, babies and families began. 

During the next 20+ years I met my husband, birthed my two daughters at home, learned to grow loads of food for my family and my husband's natural building workshops, began midwifery schooling and apprenticing at births with midwife Luna Armstrong. During this time I also was fortunate enough to travel to both Jamaica and Senegal to attend births, learn from the local midwives and to teach new midwifery students. Throughout these years I have developed a strong background in herbal medicine, nutritional healing, undisturbed birth and water birth.

In 2015 I relocated to Ukiah, yes, I miss the coastal weather, and opened Bloom Waterbirth and Wellness Center with Kristi Cunningham. It has been an amazing experience to take our combined experience and focus it into Bloom! Our care at Bloom reflects our philosophy of pregnancy and birth as healthy processes that are unique and profound events in a woman's life. I believe that each woman has her own journey through pregnancy, birth, postpartum and motherhood. It is my passion to use my experience, clinical knowledge and intuition to meet each woman wherever she may be on her journey, and to enhance and protect her and her baby's health. I deeply believe that providing care that gives knowledge and power to a women so that she may either become healthy or remain healthy, does in-turn create healthy families and therefore healthy and strong communities.

Adrianna Martin,  LM

Adrianna Martin

My journey to midwifery began in 2014 when I attended a DONA workshop that certified me as a birth doula. I began attending births of friends, and spent two years working with families in our sweet community at Bloom as a student midwife, and then worked as a staff Midwife Assistant.

What began as an innate fascination with pregnancy, birth, and babies has become a passion for educating and empowering families about their choices in healthcare.   As a Licensed Midwife, my aim is to ensure that the people I work with, live and birth with awareness. Awareness of their options, their strength, their innate abilities, and the inner guidance that is inherent within them.  I am constantly in awe of our clients, and honored by the privilege and blessing of walking alongside them as they move through some of the most intimate and transformative experiences of their lives.

Karen Miller-Han, BS, RDMS

My journey to ultrasound took many twists and turns, going through other careers in banking, catering and medical transcription, before finally settling on ultrasound in the late 1990s. There was always something so fascinating about never knowing what I was going to see when I started scanning a patient. I started off assisting the ultrasound technologists at St. Helena Hospital in St. Helena, CA and Sutter Lakeside Hospital in Lakeport, CA, and developed a love of working with people—not just getting images of a particular part of their body, but learning about their lives and what was special about each of them.

I trained over four years and eventually challenged the state board examinations to become a registered diagnostic medical sonographer. During that period of time I got married to a chiropractor and had our son, born by a C-section, followed three years later by our daughter, also a C-section. Up to that point I had no knowledge that there was really any other way to birth than in a hospital setting. I worked in various hospitals as a temporary tech because I wanted to be able to be at home as much as possible while the children were young. Once they reached school age, I started looking for more work outside the home and eventually was led to start a 3D/4D business in 2011 which grew into working with midwives as they found out about my services. By 2012 I was introduced to home birth and after attending my first birth, I was so impressed by what a birth could be, such a difference from my experiences in the hospital. I’ve since developed a passion for working with families and utilizing ultrasound for not only health care but also enabling the bonding process for the whole family.

Mary Anne Cox

Mary Anne Cox

Mary Anne Cox is the founder of The Driven Soul a sustainable wellness platform that helps women achieve balance in a supportive and empowering environment. Our programs provide clients with an actionable framework to tap into true desire and achieve goals beyond their wildest dreams. Both empowering and emotionally supportive, The Driven Soul self-discovery process is profound and highly in-tune with the needs of the individual. Using intentional movement, thoughtful nutrition, holistic wellness advocacy and actionable lifestyle guidance, The Driven Soul provides an opportunity for women to discover their physical and emotional strength in tandem with their soul’s true path. Mary Anne is passionate about helping women heal themselves from the inside out. With a Bachelor's Degree in Women's Studies, certified Health Coach, Buti Yoga and Buti Sculpt instructor, Rhythm Workout African Dance instructor and years spent as a childbirth doula and educator, Mary Anne blends her maternal energy with an intense commitment to actionable female empowerment.

Mary Anne has infectious energy that leaves clients and students feeling grounded, connected, energized and inspired!